USCG: Drydock examination and drydock extension policy clarifications

The United States Coast Guard has issued a mission management system work instruction regarding the drydock examination and drydock extension policy clarifications.

This document was issued on 14 July 2023.


This instruction provides guidance to District Prevention Staffs (dp), Officers in Charge, Marine Inspection (OCMIs), and the Towing Vessel National Center of Expertise (NCOE) regarding the administration of drydock exams (DDs) and drydock extensions (DDXs) for inspected vessels.


CG-CVC, Districts, and OCMIs play different roles in administering drydocking requirements.

There are two types of minimum drydock intervals: "once every X" for small passenger vessels and most vessels on freshwater routes, and "twice-in-five" for certain vessels on saltwater routes.


All units should follow this guidance when administering DDs and DDXs for inspected vessels.

Guidance for inspected vessels

Last Exam date: After completing an exam, update Marine Information for Safety and Law Enforcement (MISLE) with the date when all exam requirements were met.

Next Exam date: Determine the Next Exam date based on the type of DD interval (twice-in-five or once every X). For vessels under international conventions or class certificates, align the Next Exam date with the certificate's due date.

Change from saltwater to freshwater interval: Do not extend the DD date until the vessel completes the current saltwater cycle and will remain in freshwater service for at least five years.

Approval of DDX: Follow the approval process based on inspection subchapters. OCMIs may require a vessel examination and attestation for approval.

Multi-service vessels: Follow the more frequent exam interval for vessels certified under multiple subchapters.

Drydocking in excess of requirements: Notify the OCMI of circumstances requiring drydocking beyond regulatory requirements.

Additional guidance for subchapter M

"Prior to commencing activities" means 30 days before conducting a drydock or internal structural exam, or as soon as practicable if a 30-day notice is not possible.

"Unsafe condition" includes any condition or threat to a vessel's safety or fitness for service that requires immediate corrective action, which must be reported to the OCMI.

For vessels inspected under the TSMS option, TPOs do not have DDX approval authority, and the TPO's input will be considered by the OCMI during the extension evaluation.

DDX for vessels enrolled in certain alternate inspection programs

Follow the specific DDX guidance provided in the relevant NVIC for vessels enrolled in the Alternate Compliance Program (ACP) and Maritime Security Program (MSP) or MSP Select.

For more information, please see the document below (available only to subscribers):

Drydock Examination (DD) and Drydock Extension (DDX) Policy Clarifications