UK issues notice on 2024 amendments to the ESP Code for bulk carriers and oil tankers

The UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency issued MIN 709 (M) with the 2024 Amendments to the ESP Code. The document details significant updates to the Enhanced Survey Programme (ESP) Code for bulk carriers and oil tankers.

These amendments, effective from 1 July 2024, were established through the International Maritime Organization's (IMO) resolution MSC.525(106) in November 2022.

The updates focus on improving safety and inspection standards to ensure the structural integrity and operational safety of these vessels.

Key Points of the Amendments:

Revised Inspection Standards:

  1. The minimum acceptable standard for tank and void space conditions has been raised. Previously, a condition was considered acceptable if there was no more than a general breakdown of coating over 20% of the area (rated as "poor"). This threshold has been tightened to "less than good," meaning minor spot rusting is now the maximum acceptable level of degradation.

Inspection Frequency:

  1. For bulk carriers with single-side skin construction, ballast tanks and their protective coatings must be inspected more rigorously. If the coating condition is "less than good," annual inspections are required.
  2. For double-skin construction bulk carriers, intermediate and renewal surveys will include examinations of the tank, hold, and double-side skin void space corrosion prevention systems. Tanks and void spaces with coatings in "poor" or "less than good" condition will also require annual inspections.

Specific Requirements for Older Vessels:

  1. Bulk carriers over 20 years old and at least 150 meters in length must have their double-side skin void spaces inspected based on the outcomes of renewal and intermediate surveys.


  • These amendments will be integrated into UK domestic legislation via ambulatory referencing under The Merchant Shipping (Additional Safety Measures for Bulk Carriers) Regulations 2022.
  • This ensures that UK-registered bulk carriers and foreign-flagged carriers operating in UK waters comply with these enhanced safety measures, aligning with the international Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) 1974 convention.

Detailed Amendments to Specific Sections:

Annex A - Part A:

  1. Paragraph 2.3.1: Specifies conditions for examining ballast tanks' corrosion prevention systems. If a hard protective coating is not in good condition or not applied, the tanks must undergo annual inspections and necessary thickness measurements.
  2. Paragraphs and Extend examination and thickness measurement requirements to all ballast tanks if any are found in less than good condition, or if inadequate protective coatings were applied.

All regulations can be found at