U.S. Coast Guard Introduces Enhanced Measures for Sexual Assault and Harassment Prevention on Vessels

The U.S. Coast Guard, as part of its commitment to ensuring safety and security in the maritime sector, has implemented new policies under the James M. Inhofe National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2023. These policies aim to enhance crew safety on commercial vessels and address the pressing issue of sexual assault and harassment within the maritime industry.

Background and Legislative Framework

The NDAA 2023 brings forward amendments to Title 46 of the United States Code (U.S.C.), focusing on eliminating sexual assault and harassment in the maritime domain. These amendments necessitate a proactive approach from the Coast Guard in reviewing statutory requirements and determining the need for further regulatory actions.

New Requirements for Vessel Safety and Compliance

The U.S. Coast Guard's policies encompass several critical areas:

  1. Information Display in Crew Berthing Areas: Mandating the display of company policies, reporting procedures, and response steps to sexual assault and harassment in crew resting areas.
  2. Surveillance Systems & Response Training: Requiring applicable vessels to install surveillance systems and train crew members in responding to and reporting sexual misconduct.
  3. Master Key Control Systems: Establishing master key control systems for applicable vessels, enhancing the security and privacy of crew members.
  4. Safety Management System (SMS) Amendments: Including additional procedures and training related to sexual harassment and assault in the SMS, as required by 46 U.S.C. § 10104.

These measures underscore the Coast Guard's efforts to provide clear guidance and support to vessel owners and operators in understanding and adhering to the new provisions set out by the 2023 NDAA.

Ensuring Industry Compliance and Future Outlook

The maritime industry stakeholders are urged to familiarize themselves with these updates to ensure compliance with the new provisions of Title 46 U.S.C. The Coast Guard emphasizes the importance of these policies in reinforcing a culture of safety and respect aboard commercial vessels.

For more information, please see the document below (available only to subscribers):

Coast Guard Policies to Address Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Prevention and Response on Vessels, Change 1