The Panama Maritime Authority issues a warning due to increased risks following Hamas attack on Israel

The Panama Maritime Authority has issued a notice after a recent Hamas attack on Israel.

The Panama Maritime Administration advises Panama-flagged vessels to heighten security and avoid the Mediterranean area near the Gaza Strip due to increased risks following a recent Hamas attack on Israel (October 7, 2023).

Vessels in Israeli ports or this region should bolster security measures to protect their crew and vessels.

In Israeli ports, vessel operations are limited until authorized by Israeli authorities due to the conflict with Hamas.

While in port, vessels must implement security measures similar to Security Level III as per their Ship Security Plan, comply with maritime guidelines, and maintain a heightened state of alert.

AIS and LRIT must remain active unless there is an imminent security threat, and VHF Channel 16 should be monitored in compliance with SOLAS.

In cases where equipment is switched off, reports on the ship's status and crew should be sent via email every 4 hours to and

Vessels should follow local authorities' instructions for crew transit in port areas and review communication security plans in case of unforeseen incidents.

Report any incidents or suspicious activity to the Panama Maritime Authority Maritime Ships Security Department at (507) 501-5037/5085 or,

Link to the original document: MMN-08/2023