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  Aug 19, 2024

LR: Key 2022 Maritime Labour Convention amendments taking effect in December 2024

Lloyd's Register published a Class News informing that the 2022 Amendments to MLC, 2006 will enter into force on 23 December 2024....

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  Aug 14, 2024

Tokyo and Paris MoUs launch joint campaign on crew wages and seafarer agreements

The Paris MoU and Tokyo MoU announced a joint Concentrated Inspection Campaign on Crew Wages and Seafarers' Agreements under MLC 2006....

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  Jul 12, 2024

UK issues notice on risks for seafarers on non-MLC ratified ships

UK MCA warns seafarers of differences in protections between ships flying flags of MLC-ratified states and those that have not....

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  Jul 10, 2024

Paris MoU guidelines for ensuring maritime safety and compliance

Paris MoU issued guidance on certification of seafarers and manning requirements according to the STCW Convention, MLC and SOLAS....

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