Singapore issues notice on penalties for improper disposal of shipboard garbage

The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) published port marine circular No. 6 of 2024 regarding the penalties for improper disposal of shipboard garbage in Singapore waters.

The circular was published on 26 June 2024.

This circular reminds all ships that disposal of shipboard garbage into Singapore waters is strictly prohibited by law.

Under Section 6(1) of the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea Act 1990, if any disposal or discharge of refuse, garbage, waste matter, trade effluent, plastics, or marine pollutant in packaged form, occurs from any ship into Singapore waters, the master, the owner and the agent of the ship shall each be guilty of an offence and shall each be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $20,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months or to both.

The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore provides daily garbage collection service, from ships at the designated anchorages. Please refer to this link for the services provided and instructions.

Ships with bulky items or large quantities of garbage (e.g. in excess of the normal garbage generated daily, wooden pallets) may wish to use the Garbage Collection Special Service for garbage disposal for which a fee would be charged. Please refer to this link for the services provided and instructions.

Ships that would like to dispose items that are not accepted via MPA’s garbage collection service (e.g. industrial waste, oil drums) are to make their own commercial arrangement with the vendors that are licensed by the Singapore’s National Environmental Agency (NEA). Please refer to this link for the list of NEA-licensed general waste collectors.

MPA is committed to protecting the marine environment and urges all maritime stakeholders to adhere strictly to these regulations to ensure the sustainability of our waters for future generations.