RINA amended its Rules for the Classification of Ships with Plastic, Aluminium Alloy, or Wooden Hulls

Classification Society RINA has published the Rules for the Classification of Ships with Plastic, Aluminium Alloy or Wooden Hulls with related amendments.

These documents were published on 9 May 2023 and are effective from 1 May 2023.

These Rules apply for the purpose of classification of ships with reinforced plastic, aluminium alloy, wooden or high-density polyethylene (HDPE) hull, except for ships for which specific RINA Rules are in force, such as, for example, pleasure craft, workboats, and High-Speed Craft (HSC).

These rules deal with HDPE ships having slender hull shapes, having a length not greater than 24 m and having an operating profile extended up to "moderate environment"; HDPE ships having different features will be specially considered on a case-by-case basis.

Where necessary, in the various parts of the Rules, specific conditions relevant to the field of application of the requirements are given.

These Rules contain general requirements applicable to all ships and special requirements applicable to passenger ships and fishing vessels.

The requirements for cargo ships, for the purpose of assignment of special service notations (except for fishing vessels, which are specifically dealt with in these Rules), will be established by RINA case by case on the basis of the requirements of Part E of the Rules for the Classification of Ships.

For the purpose of the assignment of special class notations, the requirements of Part F of the Rules for the Classification of Ships are to be complied with, as far as practicable, at RINA’s discretion, in relation to the navigation and service notations, ship size, and hull material.

For more information, please see the documents below (available only to subscribers):

Rules for the Classification of Ships with Plastic, Aluminium Alloy or Wooden Hulls

Amendments to “Rules for the Classification of Ships with Plastic, Aluminium Alloy or Wooden Hulls”

RINA amended the Rules for the Classification of Workboats
Classification Society RINA has published the Rules for the Classification of Workboats with related amendments.