Panama issues circular on the immersion suits requirement, inspection, and service

The Panama Maritime Authority has issued a merchant marine circular regarding the immersion suits requirement, inspection, and service.

This circular was published on February 1st, 2023, and applies to all passenger and cargo ships as described in the SOLAS RegulationIII/22.4 and 32.3.

It is addressed to all shipowners, operators, company security officers, legal representatives of Panamanian-flagged vessels, Panamanian merchant marine consulates, and recognized organizations.

The purpose of this document is to inform users about the full application of the carriage of waterproof suits (including those hermetically sealed suits), as well as anti-exposure suits on Panamanian-flagged ships.

Also, the purpose of this circular is to remind ship owners, operators, and masters to ensure that ships are equipped with the correct equipment at all times.

For more information, please see the document below (available only to subscribers):


Immersion Suits Requirement, Inspection and Service