Panama introduces new ASI questionnaire for MLC

The Panama Maritime Authority issued a Merchant Marine Notice MMN-01/2024 regarding Panama Flag Annual Safety Inspection (ASI) – CIC on MLC.

The document was published on 1 January 2024.

This marine notice outlines the implementation of a new Annual Safety Inspection (ASI) questionnaire focused on the Maritime Labor Convention (MLC).

The purpose of this questionnaire is to assess compliance with the MLC and prepare ships for a Port State Control Concentrated Inspection Campaign scheduled from September 1st to November 31st, 2024.

The inspection aims to enhance maintenance planning for safer ship operations. The Flag State Inspectors will conduct these surveys during the ASI period from March 1st to August 31st, 2024.

Ship owners, operators, and masters are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the provided information. For inquiries, individuals can contact the Navigation and Maritime Safety Department of the Panama Maritime Authority via phone, email, or website.

For more information, please see the document below (available only to subscribers):

Panama Flag Annual Safety Inspection (ASI) – CIC on MLC