Panama: Guidance for the implementation and certification of the ISPS Code

The Panama Maritime Authority has released a merchant marine circular regarding guidance for the implementation and certification of the ISPS Code.

This circular was published on 1 September 2023.

This Merchant Marine Circular aims to provide information and guidance concerning the Administration's requirements for compliance with the International Ship & Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code).

It also contains the Administration’s policies and interpretations regarding the application and implementation of the ISPS Code.

The ISPS Code applies to all Panamanian flag vessels engaged on international voyages of 500 gross tonnages and upwards, as described in the MMC-123.

Those Panamanian flag vessels operating in international jurisdictional waters or international coastal voyages must follow the national regulations of the country where it is operating, in order to comply with the ISPS Code.

The circular describes the responsibilities of Companies Operators, Recognized Security Organizations (RSOs), and the restrictions imposed on Recognized Organizations (ROs).

It covers topics such as the issuance of Full Term ISSCs, Short Term ISSCs, Conditional Certificates, and the verification process.

It also outlines scenarios for ISPS certification and offers insights into ISPS audits, renewal verifications, and more.

Panama issued a circular regarding the ISPS Code
The Panama Maritime Authority issued a merchant marine circular regarding the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code.

For more information, please see the documents below (available only to subscribers):

Guidance for the Implementation and Certification of the ISPS Code

International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code)