Panama Canal Authority announced changes in auctions in the Neopanamax and Panamax Locks

The Panama Canal Authority on October 20, 2023, announced the suspension of both extraordinary and special auctions in the Neopanamax Locks, as well as the daily auctions available in the Panamax Locks for both supers and regular vessels.

This suspension will be in effect from Monday, October 23, through Tuesday, October 31, 2023.

Consequently, from Saturday, October 21, 2023, to Sunday, October 29, 2023, these aforementioned auctions will not be available during these specified dates.

It's important to note that the daily auction offered seven (7) days prior to transit in the Neopanamax locks will remain unaffected.

For more information, please see the document below (available only to subscribers):

Temporary Suspension of the Extraordinary and Special Auctions in the Neopanamax Locks and the Daily Auctions in the Panamax Locks

Panama Canal Authority introduces a new booking condition
Starting from November 1, 2023, a new booking condition, known as Booking Condition 5, will be introduced.