MSC.458(101) Resolution: Advancing Safety Standards for Ships Using Low-Flashpoint Fuels

The International Maritime Organization's MSC.458(101) Resolution, adopted on June 13, 2019, and published by the UK Government in January 2024, marks a pivotal development in maritime safety standards. This article delves into the significant amendments made to the International Code of Safety for Ships using Gases or other Low-Flashpoint Fuels (IGF Code), focusing on enhancing safety for ships using natural gas and other low-flashpoint fuels.

Understanding the Amendments to the IGF Code

The Resolution introduces comprehensive updates to the IGF Code, aimed at addressing the challenges and risks associated with using low-flashpoint fuels. This section will explore the general updates, emphasizing the increased safety measures and regulatory compliance for ships operating with these fuels.

Specific Requirements for Natural Gas as Fuel

Focusing on natural gas, one of the most commonly used low-flashpoint fuels, this part of the article will detail the specific safety requirements and operational guidelines introduced in the amendments. It will cover aspects such as fuel containment systems, operational safety, and crew training requirements.

Enhanced Regulations for Fuel Containment Systems

A key aspect of the Resolution is the enhanced regulations for fuel containment systems on ships. This section will discuss the new standards and technical specifications aimed at ensuring the integrity and safety of fuel containment systems in line with the latest technological advancements.

New Safety Measures for Ships Constructed Post-2024

The article will also highlight the implications of these amendments for ships constructed on or after January 1, 2024. It will detail the new construction and design requirements, focusing on how these measures aim to bolster overall maritime safety in the era of low-flashpoint fuels.

Conclusion: A Step Forward in Maritime Safety

Concluding the discussion, the article will underscore the significance of the MSC.458(101) Resolution in advancing maritime safety standards, particularly in the context of the growing use of low-flashpoint fuels in the shipping industry.

All regulations can be found at

For more information, please see the document below (available only to subscribers):

Annex 1: Resolution MSC.458(101) (Adopted on 13 June 2019)