Most important regulatory news published in March 2023

We remind you of the most important articles about maritime rules and regulations published on last month.

In case you missed them, we now bring them to you all in one place.

We are also pleased to announce a webinar on the advantages of digitizing nautical publications, where our director Ronni Ø. Palmqvist will be speaking, as well as the participation of our company at Sea Asia. Details are below.

Monthly overview: March 2023

The European Commission continues to recognise certificates for seafarers issued by the Philippines

Report from the IMO Intersessional Working Group on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships (ISWG-GHG 14)

Resolution MEPC.364(79) adopts 2022 Guidelines on the method of calculation of EEDI for new ships

Panama will sanction vessels that deactivate LRIT or AIS

Suez Canal Authority issues circular about vessels refusing or abstaining from inspection

IMO's report from the Facilitation Committee (FAL 47)

EU reached a preliminary agreement to reduce GHG emissions

Panama Canal announces implementation of Green Vessel Classification System

U.S. Maritime Administration warns about regional conflicts, military activities, and political tensions

IMO's report from the Sub-Committee on Ship Systems and Equipment (SSE 9)

Singapore Shipping Association x DanCompliance Educational Talk

Learn about the advantages of digitizing nautical publications and how it can improve safety on board ships during voyages. This session is highly recommended for ship owners, operators, managers, masters, and crew members. Don't miss out on this opportunity to stay up to date with the latest trends in the industry.

Join speakers from Anglo-Eastern Ship Management, Hafnia (member of BW Group), Singapore Shipping Association (SSA), and DanCompliance for this talk!

Register here (Zoom)

Date: Tuesday, 11 April 2023
Time: 4 pm - 5 pm SGT

The full LinkedIn posts from SSA and DanCompliance.