The Liberia Maritime Authority has issued several marine notices changing and amending the documents regarding MARPOL, ballast waters, Maritime Labour Convention, SOLAS, safety inspections of Liberian ships, fees and charges, and voyage data recording.
These marine notices have been published during November 2022.
Marine Notice POL-001
This Notice emphasizes the importance of protecting the marine environment by the prevention of pollution from ships in the Liberian Registry. This Notice also provides the Administration’s guidance toward compliance with the Annexes I, II, III and IV of MARPOL.
The following changes have been included:
a. Added new paragraph1.1.13, discussing the amendments adopted by MEPC Resolution 329(76)
b. Added new paragraph 1.1.14, discussing the amendments adopted by MEPC Resolution 330(76)
c. Added new paragraphs 1.2.8 and 1.2.9, discussing the amendments adopted by MEPC Resolution 315(74) and MEPC Resolution 318(74)
d. Added new sub-paragraph 2.1.13 on ODMCS Manual
Marine Notice POL-013
The purpose of this Marine Notice is to provide guidance on the implementation of the revised Annex V, Regulations for the Prevention by Garbage from Ships, of MARPOL, including its amendments.
The following changes have been included:
a. Amended paragraph 7.2.3 to make use of GRB’s Part I (RLM-125) and Part II (RLM-125A) mandatory on board ships
b. Added guidance in paragraph 7.2.3 related to electronic record book (ERB)
Ballast water and sediments management
Marine Notice POL-014
The purpose of this Marine Notice is to provide guidance on implementing the requirements of the BWM Convention which entered into force on 8 September 2017, including the survey and certification of ships.
The following changes have been included:
a. Amended paragraph 2.2 on requirements for BWR book
b. Added a section to paragraph 2.3 to clarify the D-2 standard date for oil tankers of less than 150 GT and every other ship of less than 400 GT
c. Added new paragraph 2.10 on guidance during stripping operations
d. Amended paragraph 2.12 to clarify the term ‘installed’ and requirements for commissioning testing of BWMS
e. Added a new paragraph 2.19 on ports with challenging water quality
f. Amended paragraph 3.2 to clarify the term ‘Date Installed’ on the IBWMC
Maritime Labour Convention
Marine Notice MLC-004
This notice sets forth the Administration’s standards of shipboard living conditions, recreational facilities, food, drinking water and catering under the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC), 2006, having due regard to seafarers’ rights to decent working and living conditions, consistent with promoting the seafarers’ health, safety and well-being.
The following changes have been included:
a. Added new paragraph 5.2.6 on requirement for ship’s cook and renumbered paragraph 5.2.6 to 5.2.7 requiring ship’s cook to be issued with a special qualification certificate
Marine Notice ISM-001
This Notice advises and provides guidelines to owners, operators, and masters of Liberian flagships concerning the Administration's requirements for compliance with the International Safety Management Code (ISM Code).
These guidelines provide the Liberian National Requirements for Companies and vessels seeking ISM Code certification.
They also contain the Administration's policies and interpretations regarding application and implementation of the ISM Code to ensure compliance with Liberian Maritime Regulation 2.35.
The following changes have been included:
(a) Declaration forms for Company and DPA have been revised and numbered as RLM-297A and RLM-297B, respectively.
Safety Inspections of Liberian Ships
Marine Notice INS-001
The purpose of this Notice is to inform all parties of the Administration’s policy regarding flag State vessel safety inspections.
The following changes have been included:
(a) MLC 252 Revision 11/2022 was included as Annex II
Fees and charges
Marine Notice ADM-003
This notice updates Corporate Fees.
Delivery of documents: Where applicable, documents will be delivered by email without need for courier fee. If a hard copy of the document is required, a courier fee of US $65 will be applied for each courier shipment. Multiple certificates will be combined when possible in one courier delivery to save cost. Certificates and publications may also be picked up locally or sent by local courier from the Registry’s regional offices. A service fee of $65 will be applied for each shipment picked up locally.
Voyage data recorder and investigations
Marine Operations Note 06/2022
(a) Resolution MSC.333(90) – Revised Performance Standards for Shipborne
Voyage Data Recorders (VDRs), as amended by Resolution MSC.494(104)
(b) Resolution MSC.163(78) – Performance Standards for Shipborne Simplified Voyage Data Recorders (S-VDRs), as amended by Resolution MSC.214(81) and further amended by Resolution MSC.493(104)
(c) MSC/Circ.1024 - Guidelines on Voyage Data Recorder (VDR) Ownership and Recovery
(d) RLM 109 – Report of Vessel Casualty or Accident
The following changes have been made:
a. Revised performance standards in reference (a) and added reference (b)
b. Added guidance on data storage in the VDR
This Administration reminds all Shipowners, Operators, and Masters that in the event of a marine casualty or accident, collection and analysis of the vessel’s VDR / S-VDR data may provide evidence critical to a casualty investigation.
The VDR/S-VDR equipment installed should be in accordance with references (a and (b) above which provide the performance standards for shipborne VDRs and SVDRs.
It is therefore required that the shipowner ensures that steps are taken to preserve and collect VDR / S-VDR data as soon as possible after a casualty and to provide this Administration with a copy of this data.
MSC/Circ.1024 provides guidelines on the ownership and recovery of VDR / SVDR data. The shipowner is the owner of the VDR / S-VDR and its information at all times and in the event of a casualty it is the responsibility of the shipowner to ensure timely preservation and collection of VDR / S-VDR data.
The procedures for preservation of the VDR data should be included in the vessel’s SMS and Masters should be familiar with the operation of the specific VDR / S-VDR model installed on their vessel.
It may be necessary to engage a manufacturer’s authorized technician to recover the VDR / S-VDR data for analysis. An attempt at recovery of the data by an unqualified individual may result in the loss or corruption of the data. Shipowners are advised to refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for procedures specific to each model of VDR / S-VDR.
Office of Deputy Commissioner of Maritime Affairs
22980 Indian Creek Drive
Suite 200
Dulles, Virginia 20166 USA
Tel: +1 703 790 3434
Fax: +1 703 790 5655
Web: 2
In cases where a vessel must be abandoned following a casualty and where time and other responsibilities permit, the vessel’s Master shall retrieve the VDR / S VDR module containing the data before abandoning the vessel. Master’s should be familiar with the procedures for retrieving the VDR / S-VDR module containing the data on their own vessel and for the specific model of VDR / S-VDR on board. The vessel’s SMS should include a procedure for retrieval of the VDR / S-VDR data module prior to abandonment of the vessel.
During the course of an investigation, the Flag State investigator shall have custody of the VDR / S-VDR data. Sufficient copies of the data should be made for provision to all investigating authorities. The shipowner may retain a copy of the VDR / S-VDR data for use in their own investigation of the incident.
This Administration requires that a complete copy of the VDR / S-VDR data, including the audio recording, be saved to digital media, such as a DVD or flash drive, with any relevant instructions or required software to access the data, and be sent to us at the following address:
ATTN: Investigations Department
22980 Indian Creek Drive
Suite 200
Dulles, VA 20166
When non-standard or proprietary formats are used for storing the data in the VDR, the software for converting the stored data into open industry standard formats should be provided on the portable storage device or resident in the VDR.
In addition, this Administration requires that every marine casualty be reported to: as soon as possible.
An initial report may be in the form of a simple notification, so that an investigation may be commenced immediately. The official notification of a marine casualty must be made using the RLM-109 – Report of Vessel Casualty or Accident.
Prevention of Pollution from Ships (issued 18.11.2022.)
Implementation of Revised Annex V, Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Garbage from Ships, of MARPOL (issued 14.11.2022.)
Implementation, Survey and Certification under the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ship’s Ballast Water and Sediments, 2004 (BWM Convention) (issued 9.11.2022.)
Standards of Accommodation, Recreational Facilities, Food, Water and Catering Under the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC), 2006 (issued 16.11.2022.)
International Safety Management Code (ISM Code) and SOLAS 74 Chapter IX, Management for the Safe Operation of Ships (issued 11.11.2022.)
Safety Inspections of Liberian Ships (issued 14.11.2022.)
Consolidated List of Fees and Charges for Official Documents and Services (issued 11.11.2022.)
Voyage Data Recorder (VDR), S-VDR and Casualty Investigations (issued 8.11.2022.)
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