Liberia: Updated reporting requirements for vessels at the Port of Dampier

Liberia Maritime Authority has issued Marine Advisory 21/2024 to inform shipowners, operators, and masters about updated reporting requirements for vessels arriving at the Port of Dampier in Australia.

This advisory is in response to recent safety concerns and aims to improve communication and safety at the port.


In recent years, there have been issues at the Port of Dampier related to insufficient reporting and withholding of critical information, which have led to potential hazards and disruptions in port operations. Increased safety surveys by third-party agencies have highlighted reportable conditions on vessels that must be addressed.

Reporting Requirements

Defects and Operational Conditions:

  1. Masters of vessels must report any defects or operational issues that compromise the vessel's compliance with both local and international regulations. This reporting must be done promptly to the Harbor Master.

Damage Reporting:

  1. Any damage to port facilities, property owned by the Port Authority, vessels, or navigational aids must be reported as soon as possible. The report should include detailed information about the incident and the extent of the damage.

Importance of Early Reporting:

  1. Early reporting of incidents and issues is encouraged as it helps in finding solutions and mitigating potential impacts on port operations and safety.

Contact Information

For reporting and additional inquiries, you can contact the following:

Further Resources

For more information on how to report incidents and to access reporting forms, visit the Pilbara Ports website:

The Pilbara Ports Authority also encourages all port users and the public to report any concerns that could impact people, the environment, or trade within the port area.