Liberia has issued a notice about the new SOLAS Chapter XV and the IP Code, effective 1 July 2024

Liberia Maritime Authority on 28 July 2023 issued a notice about the new SOLAS Chapter XV and the IP Code, effective 1 July 2024.


This Notice provides guidance to vessel owners, operators, and managers for compliance with new SOLAS Chapter XV and the IP Code, for vessels carrying more than 12 Industrial Personnel (IP) on or after 1 July 2024, and the Administration's requirements for existing vessels not yet authorized to carry more than 12 IP prior to entry into force on 1 July 2024.


This Marine Notice applies to all cargo ships and high-speed cargo craft (HSCC), of 500 gross tonnage and upwards, which carry more than 12 industrial personnel on international voyages.

Although the Administration does not apply the IP Code to the transport of industrial personnel within the confines of a particular coastal State or between a base port and an offshore installation outside territorial waters, Liberian-flagged vessels must comply with the IP Code if its application is mandated by the coastal State.


SOLAS Chapter XV requirements are as follows, depending on when a cargo ship or HSCC is constructed and whether it has been previously approved prior to 1 July 2024 by this Administration to carry more than 12 industrial personnel:

Credit: Liberia Maritime Authority

*Interim recommendations on the safe carriage of more than 12 industrial personnel on board vessels engaged on international voyages (resolution MSC.418(97)).

Review and certification

Any cargo ship or HSCC, of 500 gross tonnage and upwards, which will carry more than 12 industrial personnel, shall undergo review, and be certified by a Recognized Organization (RO) authorized by the Administration, prior to carrying IP in accordance with the above table.

A list of authorized RO’s is provided on

The Industrial Personnel Safety Certificate shall be issued after an initial survey to a ship which complies with the requirements of the IP Code.

Cargo ships and HSCC constructed before 1 July 2024

It is recommended that cargo ships and HSCC constructed before 1 July 2024 that are not yet authorized by the Administration to carry more than 12 industrial personnel in accordance with the recommendations adopted by Resolution MSC.418(97), request and become authorized prior to 1 July 2024.

When applying the Interim recommendations adopted by Resolution MSC.418(97), this Administration will also take into consideration the following general conditions in order to authorize the transportation or accommodation of more than 12 IP on any voyage:

  1. Level of compliance with the constructional standards in the applicable SPS Code or other IMO standards (such as the MODU Code, HSC Code or OSV Guidelines), in determining the number of IP over 12 and beyond that allowed in the Safety Equipment certificate, further taking into account the number of hours (or distance offshore) transported or accommodated on board;
  2. Sea conditions during the passage;
  3. At a minimum, adequate and safe and secure seating accommodation with direct access to an open deck in an emergency;
  4. Accommodation shall be located aft of the collision bulkhead and meet the fire protection provisions contained in Chapter II-2 of SOLAS;
  5. All watertight doors in subdivision bulkheads shall be kept closed at all times at sea, except when they are used for transit;
  6. Availability of sufficient life-saving equipment including survival craft capacity and lifejackets; and immersion suits if north of 32 degrees North and south of 32 degrees South;
  7. Sewage treatment or holding capacity adequate for the additional industrial personnel;
  8. Procedures in the SMS addressing the safety, security, personnel transfer and accounting for and identifying all persons on board during an emergency situation taking into account guidance in the OSV Code;
  9. The Industrial Personnel:
  • .1 are able-bodied and meet appropriate medical standards;
  • .2 have received basic safety training, according to relevant industry standards;
  • .3 have been provided with specific transfer training from the vessel to the mobile offshore unit and all personnel transport and transfer operations shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of IMO Assembly Resolution A.863(20); and
  • .4 have a fair knowledge of the layout of the vessel including location of lifejackets, immersion suits and emergency exits and embarkation areas for survival craft; and receive familiarization in emergency and evacuation procedures including handling of the ship's safety equipment before departure from port (e.g., through a safety briefing).

Upon verification of items 3 to 8, the authorized RO shall insert an annotation on the Safety Construction Certificate, and on the Industrial Personnel Safety Certificate on and after 1 July 2024, that the vessel has been authorized by the Administration to carry up to [number] of Industrial Personnel, with all the conditions under 4.2 above indicated on the Certificate.

For more information, please see the documents below (available only to subscribers):

New SOLAS Chapter XV and International Code of Safety for Ships Carrying Industrial Personnel (IP Code)

MSC.418(97): Interim Recommendations on the Safe Carriage of More Than 12 Industrial Personnel on Board Vessels Engaged on International Voyages

A.863(20): Code of Safe Practice for the Carriage of Cargoes and Persons by Offshore Supply Vessels (OSV Code)