International Code of Safety for Diving Operations adopted through Resolution MSC.548(107)

The International Maritime Organization has adopted the International Code of Safety for Diving Operations (2023 DIVING Code).

Resolution MSC.548(107) was adopted on 8 June 2023 and will enter into force on 1 January 2024.

The Maritime Safety Committee, recalling Article 28(b) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization concerning the functions of the Committee,

Recalling also that the Assembly, when adopting, by resolution A.831(19), the Code of Safety for Diving Systems, 1995 (1995 Diving Code), authorized the Committee to amend the Code as necessary in the light of further developments and experience gained from the implementation of the provisions contained therein,

Recalling further that the Assembly, by resolution A.692(17), adopted Guidelines and specifications for hyperbaric evacuation systems, noting that hyperbaric evacuation systems were of value in certain circumstances for the rescue of divers involved in saturation diving operations where support ships might have to be abandoned,

Recalling that, at its seventy-ninth session, it adopted, by resolution MSC.185(79), amendments to the 1995 Diving Code,

Recognizing the need to ensure that provisions for diving and hyperbaric evacuation operations are kept up to date,

Recognizing also the need to keep the 1995 Diving Code in effect after the adoption of the International Code of Safety for Diving Operations, 2023 (2023 Diving Code), which will apply to ships of not less than 500 gross tonnage that have a diving system installed on or after 1 January 2024,

Bearing in mind that the Assembly, by resolution A.886(21), adopted the Procedure for the adoption of, and amendments to, performance standards and technical specifications, resolving that the function of adopting maritime safety-related performance standards and technical specifications, as well as amendments thereto, shall be performed by the Committee, on behalf of the Organization,

Having considered, at its 107th session, the recommendation made by the Sub-Committee on Ship Systems and Equipment, at its ninth session,

  1. Adopts the International Code of Safety for Diving Operations, 2023 (2023 Diving Code), set out in the annex to the present resolution;
  2. Invites Member States concerned to:
  • .1 consider the provisions of the 2023 Diving Code as recognized international provisions for the design, construction and survey of diving systems, diving units and hyperbaric evacuation systems; and
  • .2 take appropriate action to give effect to the 2023 Diving Code.


The goal of the 2023 Diving Code is, especially where diving safety issues are not adequately addressed by other instruments of the Organization* to:

  1. provide a minimum international standard for the design, construction, installation, and survey of diving systems integrated on ships, floating structures, and MODUs (hereafter referred to as diving platforms) engaged in diving operations;
  2. facilitate safe diving operations from diving platforms and achieve a level of safety equivalent to that required by SOLAS for ships engaged on international voyages; and
  3. enable the international movement and safe operation of diving units.

*For example, by SOLAS; the LSA Code, as amended; the MODU Code, as amended; the FSS Code, as amended; the FTP Code, as amended; the Code of Safety for Diving Systems 1995, as amended; and by the Guidelines and specifications for hyperbaric evacuation systems (resolution A.692(17)).


2.1 The 2023 Diving Code applies to ships of not less than 500 gross tonnes that have a diving system installed on or after 1 January 2024.

The date of the completed installation should be taken as the date on which the DUSC is issued.

The Administration may also apply these provisions as far as reasonable and practicable to ships of less than 500 gross tonnes and to other objects acting as a diving unit to which SOLAS does not apply.

2.2 Ships that have a diving system already installed prior to 1 January 2024 should be certified as a diving unit according to this Code by the due date of the next Safety Construction Renewal Survey or equivalent.

Diving systems under construction at the time of this Code coming into effect should consider the installation date as the date the building contract of the diving system was signed.

2.3 The 2023 Diving Code does not apply to the plant and equipment required for the medical care or treatment of patients, not related to diving, in a pressure vessel for human occupancy (PVHO).**

**If required by an Administration, appropriate elements of this Code may be applied to a PVHO and associated plant and equipment installed and integrated into a vessel for medical treatment.

2.4 The coastal State may impose additional or alternative requirements regarding the diving unit and diving operations.

2.5 Where plant and equipment are installed on a standby diving unit, the application of this Code should be considered on a case-by-case basis by the Administration.***

***Guidance on the requirements and certification of standby diving units available in appendix 1 (Guidance on standby diving units).

2.6 The instruments referenced in table 1 have been considered in developing the provisions of this Code.

In order to meet the goal in 1.2 above, in addition to the provisions of this Code, subsequent amendments to these instruments should also be applied, to the extent that they apply to diving, to the satisfaction of the Administration.

The application of new instruments adopted after this Code has come into effect should also be considered.

Table 1:

Credit: IMO

For more information, please see the document below (available only to subscribers):

International Code of Safety for Diving Operations, 2023 (2023 DIVING Code)