IMO's comprehensive guidelines for harmonized ballast water management in the Mediterranean Sea

The International Maritime Organization has issued a circular BWM.3/Circ.4 regarding the communication received from REMPEC for harmonized ballast water management in the Mediterranean Sea.

The document provides information on harmonized procedures for contingency measures, additional measures, and warnings related to ballast water management in the Mediterranean Sea.

Key points include:

Communication and Coordination: The document underscores the necessity of efficient communication and coordination among stakeholders involved in ballast water management, including the vessel, port State Authority, flag State, and classification society. This ensures clarity of roles and collaborative action in implementing required measures.

Harmonized Contingency Procedure: It describes a structured approach for addressing instances of non-compliant ballast water. This includes steps such as reporting the non-compliance, devising a resolution plan, and implementing contingency measures to prevent the dissemination of harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens (HAOP).

Designated Ballast Water Exchange Areas: Specific areas within the Mediterranean Sea are earmarked for conducting ballast water exchange to manage non-compliant waters. Determination of these areas takes into account factors like depth and proximity to land. The document elaborates on the process of designation and associated considerations.

Recommendation for Additional Measures: The Mediterranean BWM Strategy (2022-2027) advocates for the development of supplementary measures to bolster ballast water control and management in the region. It outlines a six-step process for formulating these measures, including needs identification, risk assessment, and expert consultation.

Issuing Warnings: A standardized procedure is detailed for issuing warnings pertaining to ballast water management in the Mediterranean Sea. This involves alerting mariners, the International Maritime Organization (IMO), and relevant coastal States about non-compliant ballast water situations and associated risks.

Exemptions under Regulation A-4: Provisions under Regulation A-4 of the BWM Convention allow for exemptions for ships unable to comply with management requirements. The document provides insights into the exemption process in the Mediterranean Sea, covering officer nomination, risk assessment, and expert consultation.

Port Surveys for Exemption Applications: Detailed procedures are outlined for conducting port surveys as part of the exemption application process. This encompasses aspects such as sampling timing, utilization of settlement plates and benthic habitat sampling, and collection of species information.

Mediterranean BWM Strategy: The strategy for 2022-2027 aims to establish a unified approach to ballast water control and management in the Mediterranean region. It underscores the significance of regional cooperation, BWM Convention ratification and implementation, and alignment with neighboring regions.

The document was published on 1 May 2024.

For more information, please see the document below (available only to subscribers):

International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments, 2004 - BWM.3/Circ.4