The International Maritime Organization has issued resolution MSC.552(108) with amendments to the International Code for the Safe Carriage of Grain in Bulk.
These amendments will come into force on January 1, 2026.
The amendments focus on several key areas:
Definitions: A new definition has been added for a "specially suitable compartment, partly filled in way of the hatch opening, with ends untrimmed." This term describes compartments that are filled to a level equal to or above the bottom edge of the hatch end beams but are not fully trimmed outside the hatch opening.
Stowage of Bulk Grain: In paragraph 10.3.1, the reference to "B 6" has been changed to "B 7". A new paragraph (10.4) specifies that in a “specially suitable compartment” that is partly filled, the grain should reach a level at or above the bottom edge of the hatch end beams. The grain may be at its natural angle of repose outside the hatch opening. If a compartment is deemed "specially suitable," it may not require trimming at the ends. Paragraph 10.7 updates the requirement for leveling free grain surfaces in partly filled compartments, indicating that only the surface in the way of the hatch opening needs to be level if the compartment is filled according to the new rules. Additionally, paragraph 10.10.3 changes the reference from "B 5.2" to "B 6.2."
Divisions Loaded on Both Sides: In paragraph 12.3.3, the reference has been corrected from "A 12.1.3" to "A 12.1.2."
Saucers: The reference in paragraph 14.1 has been updated from "A 10.9" to "A 10.10."
In the section on General Assumptions, a new paragraph (1.1.5) specifies that in a "specially suitable compartment" that is partly filled and not trimmed, the grain surface should slope at an angle of 30° from the lower edge of the hatch end beam. If feeding holes are present and the grain surface is above these holes, the surface should slope at 30° from a line on the hatch end beam representing the mean of the peaks and valleys of the actual grain surface. Paragraph 1.2 updates the reference from "B 5" to "B 6," and paragraph 1.5 adjusts the calculation for heeling moments, stating that the total heeling moment should be 1.12 times the calculated transverse heeling moment for partly filled compartments.
In the section on Assumed Volumetric Heeling Moment of a Filled Compartment, Trimmed, paragraph 2.6 updates the reference from "A 10.9" to "A 10.10." Notes for figures related to heeling moments have also been adjusted.
In the section on Assumed Volumetric Heeling Moment of a Filled Compartment, Untrimmed, paragraph 3.1 changes "provision" to "provisions." A new section (4) has been added, outlining provisions for “specially suitable compartments” that are partly filled and not trimmed, including assumptions about grain surface angles after shifting. Section 5 updates references from "figure B 4" to "figure B 5" in the context of heeling moments in trunks.
Amendments are designed to enhance the safety and efficiency of grain carriage by providing clearer guidelines on stowage requirements and calculations related to grain heeling and compartment filling.
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