IMO has adopted Resolution MSC.547(107), amendments to the 2009 MODU Code

The International Maritime Organization has adopted Resolution MSC.547(107), amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, 2009 (2009 MODU Code).

The Maritime Safety Committee recalls Article 28(b) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization, which pertains to the functions of the Committee.

It notes that mobile offshore drilling units are still being operated and relocated internationally.

The Committee also recalls that in 2009, the Assembly authorized it, through resolution A.1023(26), to modify the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units as necessary.

This was to be done in consultation with relevant organizations, considering advancements in design and technology.

It is also brought to attention that according to regulation II-1/3-5 of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) from 1974, the use of asbestos-containing materials in new ship installations is prohibited, excluding MODUs.

The Committee recognizes that regulation 2.10.3 of the 2009 MODU Code addresses the ban on asbestos-containing materials in new units during construction, but does not encompass the installation of such materials on existing MODUs.

After deliberation during its 107th session, the Committee adopts amendments to the 2009 MODU Code.

The text of these amendments is detailed in the annex of the current resolution.

The Committee calls upon all relevant Governments to ensure the implementation of the appended amendments to the 2009 MODU Code by 1 January 2024.

Annex: Amendments to the 2009 MODU Code

In Chapter 2 of the document, specifically Section 2.10, the following modifications and provisions apply:

2.10 Materials:

2.10.1 Units must be constructed using steel or other appropriate materials with properties deemed acceptable by the Administration. This consideration should account for the temperature extremes experienced in the unit's intended operating regions.

2.10.2 The design and construction of the unit should prioritize the reduction of hazardous substances, promoting recycling, and enabling the removal of hazardous materials.1

2.10.3 As a general rule for all MODUs, the use of materials containing asbestos in new installations is prohibited.

These regulations are to be observed in accordance with the Guidelines on ship recycling, as established by resolution A.962(23) and subsequent amendments (referred to as A.980(24)), as well as the Unified interpretation pertaining to the implementation of regulation 2.10.3 of the 2009 MODU Code, regulation 2.8.2 of the 1989 MODU Code, and regulation 2.7.2 of the 1979 MODU Code (MSC.1/Circ.1671).

This resolution was adopted on 8 June 2023 and will become effective on 1 January 2024.

For more information, please see the document below (available only to subscribers):

Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, 2009 (2009 MODU Code)

Resolution MSC.546(107) to amend 1989 MODU Code
IMO adopted Resolution MSC.546(107), Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, 1989.
Amendments to the 1979 MODU Code: resolution MSC.545(107)
The International Maritime Organization has issued Resolution MSC.545(107), Amendments to the 1979 MODU Code.