The International Maritime Organization has informed that the International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) proposed a draft interpretation of SOLAS regulation II-2/11.4.1 with a view to ensuring consistent implementation of this provision for passenger ships and cargo ships.
Document SSE 10/19 (Sub-committee on ship systems and equipment, 10th session, agenda item 12) was released on 7 September 2023. SSE 10 will be held from 4 - 8 March 2024.
SOLAS regulation II-2/11.4.1 states:
"4.1 Crowns and casings
Crowns and casings of machinery spaces of category A shall be of steel construction and shall be insulated as required by tables 9.5 and 9.7, as appropriate."
SOLAS regulation II-2/11.4.1 has been updated by resolution MSC.99(73), which was adopted on 5 December 2000 and entered into force on 1 July 2002.
SOLAS regulation II-2/11.4.1 specifies the type of insulation to be fitted for crowns and casings of machinery spaces of category A.
However, a definition of "crown" is not currently part of SOLAS (e.g., under SOLAS regulation II-2/3) and as such can lead to a possible misunderstanding when applying the relevant requirements.
IACS members have noticed that this term is frequently discussed by stakeholders without conclusion, and the added clarity will assist in its uniform understanding.
Therefore, IACS considers that the term "crown" as used in SOLAS regulation II-2/11.4.1 should be clearly specified.
To remove the above observed confusion, the draft interpretation is provided in the annex for consideration by the Sub-Committee.
Action requested of the Sub-Committee
The Sub-Committee is invited to consider the proposal in paragraph 6, and the draft unified interpretation set out in the annex, and take action, as appropriate.
Annex: Draft interpretation of SOLAS regulation II-2/11.4.1 pertaining to crowns of machinery spaces of category A
SOLAS regulation II-2/11.4.1 states:
"Crowns and casings
Crowns and casings of machinery spaces of category A shall be of steel construction and shall be insulated as required by tables 9.5 and 9.7, as appropriate."
The crown of a machinery space of category A should be understood to mean the uppermost horizontal part of the main space of the machinery space.
The crown should mean either the underside of a deck or, if the side bulkheads are sloping, the uppermost part beyond the point at which the slope terminates.
For more information, please see the document below (available only to subscribers):
Proposed interpretation of SOLAS regulation II-2/11.4.1
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