Guidelines for implementing SHaPoLi/EPL systems on Maltese-registered ships

The Merchant Shipping Directorate of Transport Malta issued a technical notice on the implementation of the Overridable Shaft-Engine Power Limitation System (SHaPoLi/EPL).

This notice is intended for ship owners, operators, managers, masters, owners’ representatives, and recognized organizations, providing them with critical guidelines to ensure compliance with international maritime environmental regulations, particularly MARPOL Annex VI.

Key Points of the Notice:

Regulatory Background:

  1. The notice refers to IMO Resolution MEPC.390(81), which contains amendments to the 2021 guidelines on the SHaPoLi/EPL system. These amendments ensure that ships comply with the Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI) requirements and appropriately manage power reserves. This builds upon previous resolutions MEPC 335(76) and MEPC 375(80).
  2. The SHaPoLi/EPL system is a technical measure that limits the power output of a ship’s engine to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, except in cases where additional power is needed temporarily (e.g., emergencies or adverse conditions).

Control System Requirements:

  1. For systems where the power limitation control unit is independent of the engine’s automation, specific protocols must be followed:
    • Any override of the power limitation must trigger an alarm on the ship's bridge, clearly informing the master or the officer in charge of the navigational watch.
    • If the power limit is exceeded, the ship’s master or officer must manually reduce the engine power to within the prescribed limit.
    • Automatic data recording is mandatory during any use of the power reserve. There is a five-minute grace period before data recording begins in case of unintentional power limit exceedance.

Documentation and Reporting:

  1. Any use of the power reserve must be documented in the ship’s Operational Management Manual (OMM). The master must sign these records, and the ship must notify the relevant authorities (both the Malta Administration and the port authority at the destination) before arrival.
  2. On an annual basis, the Malta Administration will compile and report all uses of power reserves to the International Maritime Organization (IMO).

Ship Operation and Power Reset:

  1. Once the condition necessitating the use of the power reserve has passed (e.g., adverse weather, emergency), the ship must revert to operating under the SHaPoLi/EPL system with the engine power limited. This reactivation or replacement of the system must be documented and confirmed by a Recognized Organization (RO) on behalf of the Malta Administration.

Pre-emptive Override Protocol:

  1. If the SHaPoLi/EPL override is activated as a precaution (without actual use of the power reserve), this event must still be recorded in both the bridge and engine-room logbooks. The logs should include the power levels used and details of when the system was reset.

Engine Certification:

  1. If the SHaPoLi/EPL system alters any NOx critical settings or components beyond limits specified in the engine’s NOx Technical File, the engine will need to be re-certified.

Maneuvering Information:

  1. Ships equipped with SHaPoLi/EPL must have updated maneuvering information in the form of two sets of charts/posters displayed in the wheelhouse: one reflecting the ship’s capabilities with the power limit and one without. Alternatively, a single maneuvering booklet can include details about the power limitation.
  2. Ships with non-overridable power limitation need new maneuvering charts and must update their engine power certificates to reflect the limited power.

Updating Maneuvering Documents:

  1. The notice also emphasizes the need to update maneuvering documents (pilot cards, wheelhouse posters, and maneuvering booklets) in line with IMO guidelines. These updates should be coordinated with the RO and comply with section 6 of IMO Resolution MEPC. 390(81).

The notice was issued on 7 August 2024.