Enhancing Wellbeing in Emergency Response: A Deep Dive into Volunteer Mental Health Guidelines


The "Guiding Principles for Emergency Response Volunteer Wellbeing" document, issued in September 2023, represents a significant stride in addressing the mental health and wellbeing of volunteers in demanding emergency response scenarios.

The Essence of MHAW Commitment Standards

The document adapts the six MHAW Commitment Standards to fit volunteer organizations, ensuring that these principles are relevant and practical in a volunteer context. It focuses on developing a culture that promotes mental health awareness, eliminates stigma, and encourages open conversations about wellbeing.

Principle P1: Fostering an Open Culture

  • Encouraging open dialogue and challenging the stigma around mental health.
  • Empowering volunteers to champion wellbeing.

Principle P2: Building Organizational Confidence

  • Providing safe operating conditions and appropriate training.
  • Designing volunteer roles to maximize wellbeing benefits.

Principle P3: Enhancing Team and Family Wellbeing

  • Supporting mental health literacy.
  • Addressing the impact of volunteer commitments on personal life.

Principle P4: Bridging to Mental Health Support

  • Raising awareness of available resources.
  • Ensuring access to support programs and stress treatment.

Principle P5: Promoting Transparency and Accountability

  • Implementing Wellbeing Work Plans.
  • Regularly reviewing and updating wellbeing strategies.

Tailoring to Individual Organizations

Recognizing the diversity among volunteer organizations, the guiding principles are designed to be adaptable. Each organization can develop its unique approach, using these principles as a foundational framework.

The Wellbeing Work Plan: A Practical Approach

An example of a Wellbeing Work Plan is provided in the document, serving as a template for organizations to develop and implement their strategies. This plan includes preparation, engagement, and support phases, reflecting the before, during, and after stages of volunteering.


The "Guiding Principles for Emergency Response Volunteer Wellbeing" is a critical tool in enhancing the mental health and wellbeing of volunteers. By adopting these principles, volunteer organizations can create a more supportive and effective

All regulations can be found at legislation.gov.uk

For more information, please see the document below (available only to subscribers):

Guiding Principles for Emergency Response Volunteer Wellbeing