EMSA published the Annual Overview of Marine Casualties and Incidents

The European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) has published the Annual Overview of Marine Casualties and Incidents.

The latest edition of the report, now available to download here, shows that 2022 was a positive year in terms of the reduction or stabilisation of many accident indicators, such as the number of occurrences, ships lost, fatalities or injuries.

In 2022, 2,510 marine casualties and incidents were reported, representing a reduction of 182 marine casualties and incidents in comparison with the year 2021 and 84 marine casualties and incidents in comparison with the year 2020.

After traffic reduction in 2020, due to COVID pandemic, traffic increased in 2021 and cruise ships and ferries activities started again, reaching pre-COVID levels in 2022.

However, the number of casualties and incidents reported that year is 5.1% under the annual average and under the average of 2,670 occurrences before the pandemic.

The Overview presents statistics on marine casualties and incidents which involved ships flying the flag of one of the EU Member States, occurred within EU Member States’ territorial sea or internal waters as defined in UNCLOS, or involved substantial interests of EU Member States, as reported by Member States in the EU database for maritime incidents EMCIP (European Marine Casualty Information Platform).

Find out more: https://emsa.europa.eu/publications/item/5052-annual-overview-of-marine-casualties-and-incidents.html