TASNEEF issues new amendments

Emirates Classification Society (TASNEEF) has issued two new amendments that entered into force on October 1st, 2022.

Amendments to Part E of "Rules for Classification of Ships"

The Society has issued Amendments to Part E of “Rules for Classification of Ships”: Modifications to the Requirements for External Glass Balustrades on Passenger Ships.

The amendments are made for balustrade glasses and changed criteria for calculations and minimum requirements. These amendments were also issued by RINA.

Amendments to the "Rules for Loading and Unloading Arrangements And for Other Lifting Appliances on Board Ships"

Additionally, TASNEEF has issued Amendments to the"Rules for Loading and Unloading Arrangements And for Other Lifting Appliances on Board Ships": New Chapter 13 “Cargo Supporting Devices”.

The added chapter applies to the portable/removable devices used to support cargo units stowed on the decks/holds of the ships with designed vertical accelerations at any point not greater than 1g.

This chapter applies steel-only devices, while devices built with other materials will be specially considered. The design criteria, strength checks, testing and materials, and the documents that need to be submitted are also part of this chapter.


Amendments to Part E of “Rules for Classification of Ships”: Modifications to the Requirements for External Glass Balustrades on Passenger Ships

Amendments to the"Rules for Loading and Unloading Arrangements And for Other Lifting Appliances on Board Ships": New Chapter 13 “Cargo Supporting Devices”