The Shipping Deputy Ministry of Cyprus, on January 30th, 2023, issued a circular about MARPOL Annex VI/Reg. 4.
This circular is addressed to all registered owners, registered bareboat charterers, managers, and representatives of ships flying the Cyprus flag, and all recognized organizations.
Shipping Deputy Ministry of Cyprus is willing to accept the Shaft Power Limitation (ShaPoLi) systems that do not automatically limit the deliverable power to the shaft as an equivalent to the provisions of Resolution MEPC.335(76) subject to the following additional conditions:
1. Maximum exceedance period is to be five (5) minutes and if such period is exceeded then Flag Administration shall be notified as per the provisions of the MEPC.335(76);
2. ShaPoLi system shall be connected to a monitor, located on the bridge, that shall indicate continuously the shaft power and the limited/unlimited power range;
3. Any exceedance of the limited power range shall be automatically recorded and related records shall be readily available during Flag Administration and/or RO survey/audit;
4. The ShaPoLi system shall hold an approval certificate or relevant approval confirmation letter issued by an RO.
The application for approval of equivalent ShaPoLi system, shall be submitted to the Shipping Deputy Ministry on a case-by-case basis by the Ship’s RO, followed by a confirmation of compliance with above listed additional conditions.
MARPOL ANNEX VI/Reg. 4 - Equivalent on the Provisions of Resolution MEPC.335(76)
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