Conventions, Protocols, and Amendments to which Liberia is a Party

Liberia Maritime Authority published a notice providing a list of the International Maritime Conventions, Protocols, and other international instruments to which the Republic of Liberia is a Party.

This notice was published on 19 October 2023 and supersedes Marine Notice INT-001, dated 04/18.


In accordance with the publication requirements of Liberian Maritime Regulation 2.35(3), this Marine Notice provides a list of the International Maritime Conventions, Protocols, and other international instruments to which the Republic of Liberia is a Party.


It is the responsibility of Owners and Masters to ensure that their vessels are in compliance with the applicable requirements of these International Conventions and Agreements.

Note: The first date following the title of the Convention, Protocol, or Amendment is the date of deposit of the instrument of acceptance or accession by Liberia; the second date is that on which the Convention became effective for Liberia by accession, by reason of entry into force internationally, or by application in Liberian law or regulation.

For more information, please see the document below (available only to subscribers):

International Maritime Conventions, Protocols, and Amendments to which Liberia is a Party