ClassNK: Rules for Marine Pollution Prevention Systems and related amendments

The Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (ClassNK) has released the Rules for Marine Pollution Prevention Systems/Guidance and related amendments.

The Rules for Marine Pollution Prevention Systems pertain to the survey, construction, and equipment used for preventing pollution from ships classified with ClassNK.

These ships are intended to be registered as Marine Pollution Prevention Installations under Chapter 3 of the Regulations for the Classification and Registry of Ships.

In cases where there are valid reasons for non-compliance with any requirements of the Rules, alternative requirements, as modified by ClassNK based on the Rules, may be followed.

For other equipment on ships used for pollution prevention, which is not mandated by the Rules, compliance shall be determined by ClassNK as they see fit.

The relevant requirements in the Rules for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships apply to the materials, equipment, installation, and workmanship of the systems unless stated otherwise in the Rules.

The Rules for Marine Pollution Prevention Systems/Guidance have been released on 28 June 2023 and are in force from 1 July 2023.

The amendments were published on 30 June 2023 and are in force from the same date.

For more information, please see the documents below (available only to subscribers):

Rules for Marine Pollution Prevention Systems/Guidance

Amendment: Rules/Guidance for Marine Pollution Prevention Systems