The Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (ClassNK) amended its Rules/Guidance for High Speed Craft.
The Rules for High-Speed Craft in December 2022 have undergone partial amendments in various sections.
Here is a summary of the amendments:
Part 2: Class Surveys Amendment 2-1
1.1.3 Occasional Surveys
1.3.1 Class Survey conducted through Remote Survey
Part 2: Class Surveys Amendment 2-2
1.2 Preparation for Surveys and Others
1.2.5 Procedure for Tests, Wear and Tear, etc.
2 Inclining Test
Part 8: Buoyancy, Stability, and Subdivision
1.7 Inclining and Stability Information
1.7.3 Amendments to Stability Information Booklet
Part 9: Machinery Installations
Chapter 2: Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines
2.3 Associated Installations
2.3.2 Starting Arrangements
3: Gas Turbines
3.3 Safety Devices
3.3.2 Shut-down Devices
3.3.3 Alarms
3.3.5 Additional Safety Devices
3.4 Associated Installations
3.4.2 Starting Arrangements
Part 10: Electrical Installations
Chapter 2: Electrical Installations and System Design
2.8 Accumulator Batteries
Part 11: Electrical Installations - Fire Protection, Detection, Extinguishment, and Means of Escape
Chapter 1: General Amendment to the Guidance for High-Speed Craft
The Guidance for High-Speed Craft has also been partially amended. Here are the details:
Part 14: Special Requirements for Craft Engaged in International Voyage
1.1.1 Application
Part 2: Class Surveys Amendment 2-2
1.1 Surveys
Part 2: Class Surveys Amendment 2-3
Chapter 2: Classification Surveys
2.5 Alterations
2.5.1 Survey Requirements
Part 2: Class Surveys Amendment 2-4
Chapter 3: Periodical Surveys and Planned Machinery Surveys
3.6 Annual Surveys for Machinery
3.6.2 Performance Tests
3.7 Intermediate Surveys for Machinery
3.8 Special Surveys for Machinery
Part 10: Electrical Installations
1.1.5 Drawing and Data
1.2.1 Shop Tests
These amendments bring significant changes to the rules and guidelines for high-speed craft, covering various aspects such as surveys, stability information, machinery installations, electrical installations, and fire protection.
For more information, please see the document below (available only to subscribers):
Rules/Guidance for High Speed Craft
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