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Eda Zenic

625 posts

  Feb 29, 2024

IMO published strategic plan and application for the organization for the six-year period 2024 to 2029

IMO published resolutions A.1173(33) and A.1174(33) regarding the strategic plan for the six years 2024 to 2029 and the application of the plan....

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  Feb 28, 2024

Panama Canal operational regulations and compliance notices

The Panama Canal Authority on 1 January 2024 published 13 notices to shipping. We bring you the overview of all 13 notices....

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  Feb 28, 2024

Guidelines for yielding strength assessment of type C independent tanks using LRFD criteria issued by CCS

CCS has published guidelines for the yielding strength assessment of type C independent tanks based on load-resistance factor design criteria....

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  Feb 28, 2024

IMO advances measures for safe transport and cleanup of plastic pellets on ships

IMO announced developments concerning the transportation of plastic pellets by sea and efforts to address spills of these pellets from ships....

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  Feb 27, 2024

Panama updates ship protection measures against pirate attacks

The Panama Maritime Authority updated a Merchant Marine Circular MMC-230 regarding ship protection measures to pirates attacks....

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  Feb 27, 2024

European Commission grants the Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine access to ECDB for statistical analysis

The European Commission allowed CCNR access to the European Crew Database (ECDB) for the purpose of accessing aggregate statistical data....

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  Feb 26, 2024

USCG: Guidelines on qualification for national endorsements for LB and LB-LTD and STCW endorsements for PSC and PSC-LTD

USCG issued NVIC 01-24: Guidelines for national lifeboatman endorsements & STCW proficiency in survival craft/rescue boats....

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  Feb 26, 2024

Promulgating strategy for IMO treaty compliance in India

DGS India has published an MS notice regarding the implementation and enforcement strategy for fulfilling India's IMO treaty obligations....

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  Feb 23, 2024

Canadian Carbon Intensity Indicator reporting requirements

Transport Canada has issued a ship safety bulletin SSB No. 05/2024 regarding reporting requirements for the Canadian Carbon Intensity Indicator....

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  Feb 23, 2024

Guide for Optimized Shaft Alignment issued by RINA

Classification Society RINA released, on 15 February 2024, the Guide for Optimized Shaft Alignment....

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  Feb 22, 2024

Bulletin with guidelines for exemption certificates and equivalences in maritime conventions issued by Barbados

The Barbados Maritime Ship Registry has issued a revised bulletin with guidelines for obtaining maritime exemptions and equivalences....

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  Feb 21, 2024

Guidelines for Port State Control Inspections at Indian ports

DGS India has published a merchant shipping notice for PSC inspections of foreign-flagged vessels visiting Indian ports....

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