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Eda Zenic

625 posts

  Apr 02, 2024

USCG: Resumption of towing vessel inspection fees and fee structure updates

USCG issued MSIB 02/24 announcing the resumption of billing for inspection user fees, including new fee amounts, for TSMS Option vessels....

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  Mar 29, 2024

UK: Guidance on COLREG application for dynamically positioned vessels in dive support mode and vicinity operations

UK MCA issued MGN 696 (M+F) offering guidance on applying COLREG rules for DP vessels in dive support mode and nearby vessels....

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  Mar 29, 2024

IMO's maritime security update: Red Sea crisis and international response efforts

IMO has published a committee document regarding measures to enhance maritime security with update on the Red Sea....

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  Mar 28, 2024

India: circular on validity and consolidation of basic safety training certificates for seafarers

DGS India circular addresses validity of combined basic safety training certificate per STCW Code....

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  Mar 28, 2024

CCS issues revised guidelines for design and installation of exhaust gas cleaning systems

CCS has published revised guidelines for the design, installation, and operation of exhaust gas cleaning systems (EGCS) on ships....

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  Mar 27, 2024

Liberia issues notices for enhancing compliance and maintenance for Liberian-flagged ships

Liberia Maritime Authority issued notices to improve compliance, minimize PSC detentions, and maintain Liberian Registry fleet quality....

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  Mar 27, 2024

IRClass issues revised guidelines for type approval of cyber secured control system components

IRClass has published a revised classification note titled Type Approval of Cyber Secured Control System Components....

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  Mar 26, 2024

UK issues amended guidance on vessel conduct in restricted visibility

UK MCA issued MGN 369 (M+F) Amendment 1 addressing issues related to navigation practices in restricted visibility conditions....

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  Mar 26, 2024

India releases 2023 annual report on maritime incidents

The casualty circular with the annual report of 2023 by the DG Communication Centre on reported incidents has been released by the DGS India....

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  Mar 25, 2024

Notification of approved doctors for seafarers' medical examinations issued by Cyprus

Shipping Deputy Ministry of Cyprus circular: listing the approved doctors for seafarers' medical examinations and certificate issuance....

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  Mar 25, 2024

UK amends guidance note on fatal dangers of mobile phones and personal devices in the workplace

UK MCA issued a Marine Guidance Note - MGN 638 (M+F) Amendment 1 on the fatal dangers of mobile phones and other personal devices when working....

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  Mar 22, 2024

Main decisions from the 81st session of the IMO MEPC published by RINA

RINA published a report from the 81st session of the IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 81) that was held from 18-22 March 2024....

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