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Eda Zenic

625 posts

  May 20, 2024

Liberia issues stability and trim information requirements for shipmasters

The Liberian Maritime Authority's revised marine notice reminds shipmasters of the requirement to have adequate stability and trim information....

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  May 20, 2024

Panama Canal Authority's transit date advancement policy

The Panama Canal Authority issued an advisory to shipping on the transit date advancement fee for all market segments....

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  May 20, 2024

RINA's updated rules for fixed fire extinguishing systems in ship machinery spaces

Classification Society RINA has issued rules and amendments for fixed fire extinguishing systems in ship machinery spaces....

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  May 17, 2024

USCG: Guidance on reporting anchoring activities near submerged pipelines

USCG has published a Marine Safety Information Bulletin MSIB 05/24 on reporting anchoring activities in the vicinity of submerged pipelines....

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  May 17, 2024

Canada publishes a bulletin on new safe manning webpage and revised application forms

Transport Canada has issued SSB No. 11/2024 on new safe manning webpage and revised application forms to obtain a safe manning document....

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  May 17, 2024

BV issues rules for Data-centric Evaluation

Classification Society Bureau Veritas (BV) has published its rules for Data-centric Evaluation....

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  May 16, 2024

CCS issues safety guidelines for locations under survey

China Classification Society (CCS) has published guidelines for safety of locations under survey....

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  May 16, 2024

EMSA launches Multipurpose Maritime Operation in La Manche and North Sea

The European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) published the news that the Multipurpose Maritime Operation led by EMSA was launched....

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  May 16, 2024

IMO's comprehensive guidelines for harmonized ballast water management in the Mediterranean Sea

IMO has issued BWM.3/Circ.4 regarding the communication received from REMPEC for harmonized ballast water management in the Mediterranean Sea....

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  May 15, 2024

India issues social media policy framework

The Directorate General of Shipping, India has published DGS circular No. 12 of 2024 on social media policy....

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  May 15, 2024

RINA issues amendments to enhance cyber resilience and security of ship systems

Classification Society RINA has issued amendments to Part C of the “Rules for Classification of Ships” that will come into force on 1 July 2024....

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  May 15, 2024

IMO published the preview of the 108 MSC meeting

The International Maritime Organization has published the agenda preview for its Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) meeting....

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