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Eda Zenic

625 posts

  Jun 07, 2024

India's update on certification and curriculum for Marine Engineer Officers (MEO) NCV Grade

The Directorate General of Shipping, India Order No. 9 of 2024 updates MEO NCV certification and curriculum, aligning with industry standards....

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  Jun 07, 2024

April 2024 updates to ABS Requirements and Guides

The American Bureau of Shipping updated several documents in April 2024. We offer a summary of these changes....

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  Jun 07, 2024

Amendments to Ship Power Limitation Guidelines issued by IMO

IMO issues Resolution MEPC.390(81) amending 2021 Guidelines on Shaft/Engine Power Limitation for EEXI Compliance and Power Reserve Use....

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  Jun 06, 2024

UAE: De-registration and cancellation of licenses of supply vessels

The UAE Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure has issued a circular about the de-registration and cancellation of licenses of supply vessels....

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  Jun 06, 2024

ABS Guide for the Certification of Container Securing Systems

The American Bureau of Shipping, in May, released the revised Guide for Certification of Container Securing Systems....

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  Jun 06, 2024

IMO issues amendments to Guidelines for Ship Fuel Oil Consumption Data and Carbon Intensity Verification

IMO's MEPC.389(81) updates 2022 Guidelines for Ship Fuel Oil Consumption Data & Carbon Intensity Verification....

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  Jun 05, 2024

Barbados revises bulletin with guidelines for Port State Control detentions

The Barbados Maritime Ship Registry has revised bulletin No. 006 regarding Port State Control detentions....

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  Jun 05, 2024

Guidelines for VDR/S-VDR installation, data preservation, and reporting in maritime casualty investigations issued by Singapore

Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) issued a shipping circular on the Voyage Data Recorder (VDR/S-VDR) and casualty investigations....

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  Jun 05, 2024

IMO issues amendments to Ship Energy Efficiency Guidelines

IMO issued a resolution MEPC.388(81) with the amendments to the 2022 Guidelines for the development of SEEMP....

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  Jun 04, 2024

UAE Maritime Administration issues prohibition on oil product transport

The UAE Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure issued a circular addressing the prohibition of supply vessels from the transport of oil products....

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  Jun 04, 2024

Panama Canal increases maximum draft in Neopanamax Locks

The Panama Canal Authority issued an advisory to shipping announcing an increase in the maximum allowable draft in the Neopanamax Locks....

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  Jun 04, 2024

IMO's comprehensive guidance for managing Ballast Water Systems in challenging water quality conditions

IMO Resolution MEPC.387(81) addresses operational challenges of Ballast Water Management Systems (BWMS) in areas with difficult water quality....

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