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Eda Zenic

623 posts

  Jul 11, 2024

Bahamas: Revised Ballast Water Record Books transition and early adoption guidelines

The Bahamas Maritime Authority (BMA) has issued Technical Alert TA006, Version No. 1 to inform about the revised Ballast Water Record Books....

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  Jul 11, 2024

KR announces successful installation of Korea's first Onboard Carbon Capture System

KR announced the successful installation of OCCS with purely domestic technology, and it will soon undergo internal verification testing....

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  Jul 11, 2024

Cyprus issues new obligations for carriers under European Entry-Exit and Travel Authorisation Systems

The Shipping Deputy Ministry of Cyprus issued a circular to inform carriers about their obligations under the EES and the ETIAS....

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  Jul 10, 2024

Paris MoU guidelines for ensuring maritime safety and compliance

Paris MoU issued guidance on certification of seafarers and manning requirements according to the STCW Convention, MLC and SOLAS....

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  Jul 10, 2024

Hong Kong Maritime Safety Note: Collision in the Yellow Sea

The Marine Department of the Government of Hong Kong issued a note on collision between a bulk carrier and a fishing vessel in the Yellow Sea....

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  Jul 10, 2024

IMO's updated guidance on anti-fouling coating removal

IMO issued revised guidelines for the safe removal of anti-fouling coatings from ships....

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  Jul 09, 2024

Introduction of Electronic Certificates for Hong Kong local vessels

The Marine Department of the Government of Hong Kong introduces Electronic Certificates and Documents for local vessels....

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  Jul 09, 2024

New editions of Lloyd's Register rules effective from 1 July 2024

Classification Society Lloyd's Register has released new editions of several rules, all of which entered into force on 1 July 2024....

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  Jul 09, 2024

Guidelines for fuel tank arrangements for methyl/ethyl alcohol-fueled ships issued by IACS

IACS has published new UI GF20 on fuel tank arrangements for methyl/ethyl alcohol-fueled vessels....

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  Jul 08, 2024

Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on Bahamas-Flagged Bulk Carriers

The Bahamas Maritime Authority (BMA) has issued Technical Alert 24-08 regarding a Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on Bulk Carriers....

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  Jul 08, 2024

Singapore issues notice on penalties for improper disposal of shipboard garbage

MPA Singapore published port marine circular No. 6 of 2024 on the penalties for improper disposal of shipboard garbage in Singapore waters....

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  Jul 08, 2024

Australia announces the launch of AusTreat

The Department of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries (DAFF) issued a notice announcing the launch of AusTreat....

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