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Eda Zenic

604 posts

  Sep 06, 2024

Updated list of countries recognized by the Bahamas for STCW certification and flag state endorsements

BMA revised Marine Notice 13, updating the list of countries recognized for STCW certificate recognition and Bahamas Flag State Endorsements....

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  Sep 05, 2024

Guidelines for registration and safe recycling of ships under the Liberian flag

Liberia Maritime Authority outlines procedures for Liberian-flagged ships' final voyage to environmentally sound recycling facilities....

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  Sep 04, 2024

Singapore launches Digital Harbour Craft Manning Licence

MPA Singapore published a port marine circular announcing the launch of the Digital Harbour Craft Manning Licence starting from 1 September 2024....

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  Sep 03, 2024

Bermuda: Guidelines for electronic signatures on Seafarers’ Employment Agreements

The Bermuda Shipping and Maritime Authority has published BMIN 2024-038 informing that BSMA now accepts electronic signatures on SEA....

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  Sep 03, 2024

IACS amended its UR on shipboard equipment testing standards

IACS UR E10 outlines testing for electrical, electronic, and programmable equipment in ship control, monitoring, alarm, and protection systems....

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  Sep 02, 2024

Hong Kong vessel fatal mooring accident: key safety lessons

The Hong Kong Marine Department issued Note 33/2024 on a fatal accident during mooring on a Hong Kong-registered vessel in Qingdao, China....

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  Sep 02, 2024

Improving IMO's plan on marine plastic litter from ships

The IMO's MEPC 82/8/3 document from the 82nd MEPC session (Aug 9, 2024) reviews progress on actions to tackle marine plastic litter from ships....

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  Aug 30, 2024

MARAD advisory: Navigational threats in Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, Arabian Sea, and Indian Ocean

US Maritime Administration has issued advisories addressing the threats in the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, Arabian Sea, and Indian Ocean....

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  Aug 30, 2024

Most important regulatory news published in the last two weeks

We remind you of the most important articles about maritime rules and regulations...

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  Aug 29, 2024

India: e-Migrate system updates for seafarer communication

DGS India Circular 25/2024 updates the e-Migrate system to enhance communication and accuracy in seafarer recruitment and placement....

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  Aug 29, 2024

ICS proposal to IMO: Addressing challenges in ballast water management compliance

ICS submitted an IMO document on ballast water management, highlighting challenges in BWMS effectiveness and D-2 standard compliance....

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  Aug 28, 2024

Panama Canal delays implementation of new slot allocation method to October 2024

Panama Canal Authority issued an advisory announcing a postponement in implementing its new LoTSA methodology to 1 October 2024....

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