Acceptance of Ballast Water Management System Type Approval Certificates for Bermuda Registered Ships

The Bermuda Shipping and Maritime Authority has published a guidance notice regarding the acceptance of Type Approval Certificates for Ballast Water Management Systems.

This notice was published on 29 April 2024.


Ship Owners and Managers of Bermuda Registered ships.


(1) The purpose of this notice is to outline the Type Approval certificates acceptable to the Bermuda Shipping and Maritime Authority for Ballast Water Management Systems on board Bermuda registered ships.

(2) The annex of Resolution MEPC.300 (72) outlines the Code for approval of Ballast Water Management Systems (BWMS Code).

(3) The following BWMS type approval certificates are acceptable to the Bermuda Shipping and Maritime Authority:

  • Documented BWMS Type Approval Certificate issued under the BWMS Code by any of our six Recognised Organisations (LR, BV, RINA, DNV, Class NK and ABS) referencing Resolution MEPC. 300 (72) or for ships with relevant keel laying dates, the previous Resolution MEPC. 279(70).
  • Documented BWMS Type Approval Certificate issued by any Contracting Government to the Ballast Water Management Convention and referencing Resolution MEPC. 300 (72) or Resolution MEPC. 279(70).

For more information, please see the document below (available only to subscribers):

Type Approval of Ballast Water Management Systems