ABS Guide for the Certification of Container Securing Systems

The American Bureau of Shipping, in May, released the revised Guide for Certification of Container Securing Systems.

The May 2024 edition adds factors for large bilge keels and anti-rolling tanks in the calculation of roll motions in 6/3.5.2(a).

This Guide details requirements for certifying container securing systems and lashing software on ABS-classed vessels. It specifies that load allowances are based on historical use and may exceed standard design loads. Clients are responsible for ensuring container capability and validating dynamic force values.

ABS provides a nonlinear software program, ABS Eagle C-Lash®, for calculating system forces. Vessels with certified securing systems can receive the CSC notation. Certified lashing programs can earn CLP or CLP-V notations, with CLP-V(PARR) for route-specific reductions and parametric roll detection. CSC is required for all these notations.

Onboard lashing programs calculate permissible stack weights, and adjustments are necessary if actual weights exceed these limits. The vessel’s Master decides on lashing and stack weights based on voyage conditions.

If you need more information, please visit the ABS Rules and Guides page, where the document is available FOR FREE.